What If You Go First?
May 28, 2024
What if you go first?
What does this consideration mean for you?
What is it you want to achieve? What is it you fear not getting done? What is it holding you back? Are you waiting for others to start so you can follow?
What if you start now? What if you wait?
What if you go FIRST?
When taking the first steps into anything new, quite often we are accompanied by other people's well intended, but often distracting, thoughts on our ambitions. Often we are distracted by our own presumptions, our own fears, our own self-doubts.
What does going first feel like for you? What will hold you back? What will propel you forward?
How will others follow your lead?
What IF you go first?
What would your life be like if you didn't wait for other's to approve, or for others to take the steps first?
What if you didn't go first? Who will do what you want as you watch them power ahead?
What is the IF in your world?
If you go now, how better will your world be?
What would 'going first' look like for you?
What would your life look like if you had everything in order and could now get on with enjoying your life? If you no longer feared being unprepared if something happened, what would being prepared mean for you?
What if YOU go first?
What is your end goal?
How do you invest in your progress? Who holds you accountable?
We all have dreams, but how are you putting your dreams into action and fulfilment?
How do your actions influence others? How do your actions impact others? How often are others waiting to see what you do before they take action (or compare to their inaction?)
What if you GO first?
Yet when reading this headline, how many of you thought it referred to you dying first?
In one sense you are right. What if you die first? But, oh, what if you truly live first? Instead of waiting for others to nudge you along, what are the things you truly want to do for YOU?
What will it be for you to go NOW?
When it comes to advanced planning - whether for business, your advanced care planning, or how we want to be honoured upon our death - what would this mean by you having your administrative affairs in order? How will this free you to live?
Often I meet people who are suggesting others who they believe need to get their plans in place, quickly avoiding the concept of getting their own plans done first.
Yet what if you start first? How would your life look with your plans effectively in place?
Whether you want your ageing parents, your single middle aged sibling, or your spouse, to get their plans in place, first start with you.
How would going first taking these unnerving steps positively influence those around you? How would it make you consider your life yet to live and your legacy yet to create?
Ask yourself....
If you go first, not only will you have started, but you will gotten over your fear to begin. And sure enough, once you start, then you just keeping going forward. Even if you stop along the way or feel you are taking steps back, allow yourself to acknowledge how far you have come. Each step forward is one step closer to your end goal(s).
Just think how much clearer your life can be when you no longer need to fear the 'what ifs' of starting, but can just get on with enjoying the moment you are building to the future you desire.
So whether that be for you wish list, for. your loved ones, or your business. We all have our dream life, so get started in fulfilling your goals.
We Can Help You
If you're not sure how to get started, whether for life goal(s), business planning, advanced planning, or even what you want your legacy to be, let us help you!
Through our Advanced Planning and Legacy Building work we work with you through one-to-one supports as well as organisational consulting for your business.
Whether to get your plans in place, or even to take stock, having a listening ear and a guiding hand can help you take charge in how you move forward.
To take action now and start working on you and your legacy, sign up for a free introductory call at https://calendly.com/
We look forward to helping you navigate the journey.
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